I thought it would never end!
Last summer I started a project so I could learn a fun new skill a friend introduced to me. Kumihimo is a traditional Japanese craft that is done by braiding different colored threads into cords with intricate patterns and shapes. These were used for all sorts of purposes, like to tie clothing and even to wrap the handles of katanas. However most people in the USA are introduced to this craft through "friendship bracelets."
One of the first pictures I took of this project. I made the kumihimo disc out of spare cardboard from Ikea furniture.
I made a matching kumihimo crown <3
I started on this craft so I could create a costume for a fantasy festival; think ren fest without the “pretending to be historical.” I was supposed to be one of the three Fates and chose Clotho the Spinner as my character. Because I do not (yet) know how to spin, and because I wanted to make a cord of Fate, I decided to learn how to do a simple kumihimo cord. My colors were red and gold, so I grabbed a couple of skeins of yarn and looked up an easy pattern. (An Aside: this yard was "gifted" to me by one of Z's former co-workers but I wasn't allowed to donate it... Be warned: once you become the “one who collects crafting materials” you may become a dumping ground 🙃)
When determining the length I saw that I should multiply my final length by three to account for shrinkage while braiding. I don't know what happened but that was a BIG mistake...
I measured out approximately 12 yards of yarn for each of the 8 strands I needed for this design. I wanted to have at least one full yard for the fair so I spent most of my evenings just doing that design. I also worked on the design while at the fair to get enough length for my "cord of Fate." It worked great for the performance the three Fates put on! (But I did not let actual scissors ANYWHERE near this thing). I also taught attendees how to make the same pattern I was working on in an attempt to get rid of more of my "gifted" yarn stash.
The three fates during our performance. There was a big escape-room-like riddle that festival goers could complete, and we were the final part of that.
Then I just assumed that I would get through the rest of that project in a month or so of working on it in the evenings...
Then another month went by ... And another... and I started a different project because I got bored of the red and gold cord. I finished that one in a couple of week. Back to the red and gold cord ...
Another month... I had to set it down it was making me cross eyed...
It became my road trip project, and what I worked on during many D&D and board game nights. Every time I got into the car, it came with me.
More months.
Finally one last road trip tied up this very loose end of a project!
A full year. This darn cord took me a full year to complete!!! But it's done now. And it's 27.5ft long.
Any suggestions for what I should do with it??